Sunday, November 2, 2008
Under Construction
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Through the keyhole...
This is an account on the events that took place between approximately 5:31 and 6:27pm on September the 10th 2008.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tonight’s menu: Diet Coke, Beef Quesadilla, Make-Your-Own salad
First: the best part of the meal, the Diet Coke ($0.52). It went splashing down like rapids of carbonation tickling my esophagus. A delightful compliment to any meal, the Diet Coke had almost perfect blend of the soda water and syrup. My complaint lies with the cup, as the thin, clear plastic didn’t do much to protect my hand from the icy beverage, nor to insulate said beverage.
For my main fare, I chose the grill item of the day, a beef quesadilla ($3.30). The portion was relatively small, Ive made bigger quesadillas for less money in my kitchen, but with the employee discount it probably evens out. The dish was started with a flour tortilla slathered with oil and lightly grilled, enough to heat the oil but not crisp the edges. Then some sort of SPAM substitute was pulled out of a pan and warmed on the grill. Upon tasting, this beef seemed more like a leftover, reheated Whopper rather than mexican steak. Even Moe’s gives more effort. The grey, crumbly meat/tortilla roll was complimented with sour cream, which along with the grease, helped it slip-n-slide down like the neighborhood kids on a hot summer day. Of course, there was cheese melted throughout which salvaged an otherwise subpar course.
Finally, I enjoyed a make-your-own salad ($2.27). I thought it would be exciting to add corn to the dish, giving it a southwestern feel. Well, someone should have told me that corn holds a lot of water, meaning at by-the-pound pricing, that corn could be traded for oil barrels in Iran right about now. It did add a sweet taste though, which wont go unnoticed. The romaine lettuce was crisp and refreshing, kudos to the produce crew for renewing the batch late in the evening, when they coulda left me the days scraps and been justified, as I ate with 30 minutes left for the diner hour. 50 gold stars to the grill attendant who opened a brand new bag of those zesty garlic croutons I love, just so I could sprinkle a few on my salad. I rounded out the dish with bacos and light ceasar dressing. All the flavors danced in my mouth to help me forget the quesa-debacle, and remind me that cafeteria dining can be great, if only because you have no other choice.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Im proud of my bookshelves and my CD display, Im so cultured.
Save me, oh God! for the waters have come up to my neck.
I am sinking to the bottom, where I cannot stand
I am calling to You, can You hear my cry?
Oh my God you've turned your eyes
Now my heart has come alive!
Only You have come to find me
Only You have come to pull me out
Only You have come to save me
Only You have come to wrap your arms around me
I just thought about all the things I look to for safety and comfort. And not only will those things ultimatley not save me or help me...they cant, wont, and didnt seek me out to do it. Not friends. Not family. Not lovers. Not children. Not jobs. Not pride. Not success. Not fear. Not status. Not power. Not hobbies. Not rest. Not laughter. Not alcohol. Not clothes. Not music. Not money.
Sorry, that list is kind of random but at some point I have thought one of those things would make me feel better, would satisfy. Nothing has pursued us and chased us to save us. Why do we look elsewhere for comfort? When all else fails me, which it will inevitably do, only He has come to find me.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Calling all cars...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Take, drink...
Well I was listening to a message recently by Ray Cortese called Thou Shalt Have Great Sex, and in it was one of the best illustartions of the importance of the communion meal. Kinda a weird sermon for that huh? Perhaps. Anyway he talks about how sex is a wonderful gift from God for married couples and of course he tied it into the gospel (atta boy, Ray)...and it was really a good message. But at the end he talks about how in olden times a woman would be arranged to marry a man, and that groom-to-be would come see this woman (probably for the first time) and the families would throw a party for them. During that time, he would offer a goblet of wine to his potential bride. She then had the choice to drink or not drink this offering. If she drank, she accepted the offer of marriage...and if not, well that guy felt like a real jerk Im sure. So then if she drank, the man would then have to go off, back to his home and build a place for her and him to live after they were wed. Well, at the party, after she drank and accepted he would say to her something like "I am going to prepare a place for you and when it is ready I will come back and recieve you and there we will go and be forever together." Sound familiar? beautiful! Jesus said those very words at the Last Supper! (John 14: 2-4)
Communion is a constant reminder that we have a groom that will never leave us. A groom that is coming back to get us, his bride. A groom who died so we could be close to Him.
So last night was the first time I had taken the bread and wine since hearing that message. Im sure I dont get all of it, and Im sure I have plenty more to learn...but as I took part in the feast, I was no longer concerned with "shoulds" or "oughts" or what anyone else was doing. But I took it and quitely lifted this to my Savior: Yes, I accept. I will wait for only you. I do.
Monday, July 28, 2008
As I cleaned my bloody instep the throbbing radiated out and affected the entire heel portion of my foot. I was pretty surprised how much damage this thorn did. I mean, my foot was still quite sore today. At my desk today, I considered this thorn and I thought about how nasty the crown of thorns must have been. That was real. It happened. I think often times we do not have a personal, physical connection with what happened to our Savior. We werent there, we didnt see the blood or hear the sounds of torture which occured on that day. But all that stuff we read and saw in that Mel Gibson movie actually happened and were actually felt by our beautiful friend and Lord, Jesus. Feeling that thorn gave me possibly a 0.00003% feeling of what He endured for us. Actually immeasurably less than that, because he endured the abscence of an infinitley intimate relationship with the Father, but that is a whole nother blog in itself. Basically, sin is ugly...and the punishment for it is devastating. Its just ridiculous the amount of love that was and is poured out on us by the Father. To go through that, just so He could be close to a continuously rebelious son like me...its astonishing.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dont be a drone...
Reading expands the boundaries of our minds I think. It stretches our knowledge base and forces us to focus our energy on a subject. I have experienced the satisfaction of ingesting a good piece of literature lately and there is something extra special about it. It takes more effort than watching TV or even listening to music (both enjoyable activities) and that leads us to appreciate that act of reading more. I cant wait now to come home from work and just sit with a book for an hour or so. It is truly a relaxing activity, yes stimulates your mind at the same time. I think it enriches our souls. I have no proof of this, but that is just my recent thoughts on reading.
As for writing, I have lately discovered a new benefit to this pastime. Organization. Historically I have used writing to experiment with diction and tried to paint pictures with words. I would only write if I thought I had a really big idea or a clever way of putting something. However since starting this blog I have seen that through writing, my thoughts have an outlet to take shape and organize into useful knowledge. Nothing special, just working through the muddled thought soup that is my brain. There have been a few posts where I just started typing with a vague idea, then through spilling out words, actually identified what had been floating around in my head. Sometimes it just helps to get it out. To find the root of the situation so you can deal with it.
Thinking about this subject, writing, also led me to consider creativity in general. Writing is a form of creating, as well as the other arts such as painting, playing music, etc. I think using our minds to create is a very special thing to do. It taps into one of God's attributes that he shares with us. We are made in His image and while we certainly do not have his omnipotence we do have the capacity to create. Id go so far as to say that one of the defining characteristics of God is creativity. Anyway, using our minds to create is showing Him that we appreciate what he has bestowed on us. Its not the only way to do that, but it is one way. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then when we are creative we are worshiping Him in a way. Kinda cool, huh? I thought it was an interesting thought. Lets not let these abilities atrophy. I encourage you to read, write, and enjoy these precious gifts He has given us!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Just gotta blog...
1. I love rooting for the underdog, and there is no bigger underdog than the Florida Marlins. All players on their team have about 2-3 years of experience, ever. Their payroll is less than the employees at your local Circle K. Yet they defy the odds and are somewhat competitive. You know why? Heart. And there is nothing more loveable than heart in a guy who just quite doesnt have the talent. Its great to be a fan when one win in a 162* game season makes you so happy. BoSox fans arent satisfied unless they win it all in October. Me? Just gimme a 2 out rally in the 9th to beat the Royals.
2. Moss/Ivy. Does any substance give the feeling of age and wisdom like moss or ivy? Take any average gate and add ivy: all of a sudden that thing has been there since the 1700s and hides wonderful secrets. Got plain stepping stones? Add a little moss around them and you are walking a path into a magical forest with pixies buzzing about.
3. Sounds. Gosh I love sounds. Not only music, but just different noises. Its amazing how a sound can freak you our ot warm you to the core. Some top sounds are typewriters, biting into an apple, (sorry bout the creepy laugh at the end of the apple bite but its all i could find) and dress shoes on a wood floor. Senses in general are pretty awesome. I like sense.
4. Cat sarcasm kills me. If you know a cat, you know what Im talking about. I really dont like cats much, but sometimes they just slay me. Have you ever tried to excite a cat? Like for a dog you jump around, talk in a wacky voice, and make a fool of yourself and it gets excited and wants to play too. But a cat...oh no, you my friend are mocked by that effing cat. They have an amazing ability to just pierce you to the core and say "uh, you're an idiot. " Its like the look you would get if you walked into a real indie music store and bought the latest Sum 41 release.
5. The invention of those olde tyme big wheeled bikes. These have always fascinted me, I mean what were they thinking? Who came up with this?* Thanks to all the baseball buffs for the correction. It is, in fact a 162 game season.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The sun stood still...
I need to constantly remember that God is God. My dear friend Elliott told me that yesterday. "let God be God." I mean thats so true, why do I forget it daily? Now, am I expecting some kind of crazy miracle? No, not really. However God can and will equip his people to be able to carry out his will, by whatever means necesary. He can stop all of the universe for a day. He is the Creator. He is God. It is so encouraging. He has brought me here, I still belive that, and He will sustain me throughout it. He will not leave me by myslelf to whither away. I am feeling weak, alone, stupid, and scared. What a better time for Him to reveal his power, mercy, and grace than to pick a sad sack like myself and do something big in Atlanta? It is a miracle in itself to be able to be used by God at all. My boy CS Lewis wrote that God could repair our bodies without food, convert heathens without missionaries, or give us knowledge without teachers. However "He allows soils and weather and animals and the muscles, minds, and wills of men to co-operate in the execution of His will." Thank you for including me in this great adventure, Lord.
Friday, July 11, 2008
I <3 Atlanta...
Well, for background on my ridiculous thought pathways, I had just been thinking the day before how our hospital had Coke and how delightful that was. Then I figured that should have been obvious since The Coke World Headquarters is here in Atlanta. I bet they dominate the cola sales around here. Then on the drive over to Panera that I wondered if they would have Coke products, because after all, Atlanta is the home of Coke. But then I realized Panera is a national chain and Im sure their contract with Pepsi takes authority.
Well, as I approcahed the fountain I saw what I expected, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc. BUT THEN! at the end of the row were two spouts, one for Coca Cola and one for Diet Coke!!! I couldnt believe it! I mean, does ATL have some negotiation with every business here that they have to serve Coke products? This is huge! Can I get a Coke at Taco Bell? Does everyone have Coke? Oh man...I cannot wait to explore this possibility. So I enjoyed my 1/2 Bacon Turkey Bravo sandwich and cup of French Onion soup with an ice cold Diet Coke...something I had never done before...delicious.
And that is why I love the ATL.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
From 6/29/08...
I know, Ive always made fun of blogging...because, well it SOUNDS ridiculous. "I gotta go blog" "Have you read my blog?" I mean, come on. But look at me...this is a real post, a true blog post. So I will take all your crap and love it...because yes, I am blogging. Right now. Today.
So, Im all sentimental because Im leaving Orlando (for good?) in like 2 hours. And i am trying to figure out things. What things? I dont know. Why do we need community around us so much? Why does it make me sick to my stomach (literally) to leave these great people in Orlando? I mean I know there will be others in Atlanta. There will be, its a fact...theres millions of people there, I will find friends, probably very good friends. Maybe BETTER friends! Who knows. But like, all i can is remember the ridiculous/great/funny/sad
Another question...why do I feel the need or want to know where we will all end up. Will we all "make it" so to speak. Not money-wise or success...but just in life, in faith. Will we all become what God has made us to be? Will we all find our loves? Will we all be ok? Seems like a weird thing to think about, but thats been going through my head. I want to know all these people I care about will be ok. I love you all. Really.
I dont like emotion...its so weird. Its kinda unpredicatble and uncontrollable. And it just dominates us. Thats that.
But Ive learned so much this year. How to live and love better. Expanded my mind in many ways...opened up to new ideas from getting into instrumental music to learning that sometimes you just have a house pot of clothes and everyone shares, and its ok. Most importantly now and going forward I have learned what my God means to me. And what I mean to Him. I have learned that trying to be good just doesnt cut it. Why do we think we can offer anything to Him? No no, its all because He loved us FIRST and in our brokenness and disparity, he has chased after us desperately and said "you're worth it" despite the fact we constantly flick him off and peel out, so to speak. He loves us to much and it has nothing to do with my actions or my deeds to impress him. He literally died for a selfish, perverse, lazy, untrusting guy like me. And through the grace offered by Christ, He says im beautiful now. THIS is life changing love. This is the kind of thing that makes us WANT to live for Him and live how he says. Not out of obligation, trying to do good, or trying to somehow offer him anything. We cant. All we can offer is the righteousness of Christ in front of us, and thats all we can do. I love it. Its freeing. And i think it is the only way we can truly express the love of that Father because the love that flows out when u realize you cant do it yourself and you are so hopeless, yet he says I love you! oh man...that is when it starts errupting out of your heart and soul and the real abundant life can start to take place. Thats what the gospel means to me. So, now I have unintentionally encouraged myself :) I think I will pack up and "go forth with vigor" like my good friend Shannon Wing said. I am going to Atlanta knowing I am loved and excited to spread the GOOD news, because it is so good. And you, whoever was bored enough to read go forth with vigor knowing you are loved! I will see you all around the bend!!!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Regarding prayer...
I was reading recently in a collection of short works by ol' Clive a passage about the efficacy of prayer. I would love to just post the whole thing, as it is quite good...but since this is "my" blog I guess I will give my musings and reactions to the passage. Basically after reading it, I was convicted about how I approach prayer. For so long, I have treated it as a suggestion box. Sometimes more urgent pleas, sometimes casual requests...but nonetheless a time to express and beg for what I thought was best. However, time after time, year after year, my prayers would just turn into a soggy mush of requests to a God who seemed far away and uninterested. I knew this wasnt true! However when I started to do my "nightly prayer" I just felt as if I was talking to a lonely, vast exapnse. I was not connecting with my personal God and Savior. Because, I think, prayer was not meant to be this...shocking, I know.
"Prayer, in the sense of petition, asking for things is a small part of it; confession and penitence are its threshold, adoration its sanctuary, the presence and vision and enjoyment of God its bread and wine."
**As an unrealted sidenote, I would just like to say I want to master the semi-colon! It adds so much depth to a passage I think. After a semi-colon I am always excited to see what is next...I dont know, they fascinate me. Prolly because I dont really know what their purpose is, so its always so mysterious.**
So anyway, that night I prayed and left aside my frail requests and suggestions to my omnipotent Creator and I praised Him for why I love Him. Why I have decided to surrender my life to Him and his Will. I basically told Him why He is God. It was incredible. I felt like I was just sitting talking to Him, in His living room with many bound books and a bearskin rug in front of the fire. I was enjoying Him, and He revealed Himself to me though this worship. I didnt get any answers to any of my questions or any answered prayers that night. But I did enter into my God's presence, and all my petty worries and concerns faded away in that glory. I dont expect anything in return for my "correct" prayer, other than the pleasure of being in the presence of God (which is my one true desire anyway I suppose). Im not at all saying pray like this and then the door to your worldly desires will be opened. I do think that by praising Him and entering into an attitude of worship through prayer finally ushers your spirit into His den so to speak, where the door has always been opened and he has always been inviting us, yet we continually hid down the hallway and whispered our advice as to how He should run things.
Now, we still should request things if we want, we are instructed to offer up petitions. But dont forget this is only a small part of the act of worship that is prayer. However, do not be discouraged if your requests are not answered, for the Christ Himself pleaded in the garden and his prayer was refused. CS offers an interesting view of answered/unanswered prayers "...little people like you and me, if our prayers are sometimes granted, beyond all hope and probability, had better not draw hasty conclusions to our own advantage. If we were stronger, we might be less tenderly treated. If we were braver, we might be sent, with far less help, to defend far more desperate posts in the great battle."