This is an account on the events that took place between approximately 5:31 and 6:27pm on September the 10th 2008.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I arrived home from work tired and uninspired but faithfully shed my corporate skin and threw on some gym shorts and t shirt. Clipped my iPod to my shorts, put on some shades and transported my bike, Winnie, down under the bridge. It was there that I mounted my steed and began peddling for as far as my legs would take me. As soon as I started, my legs began to sting from fatigue. I was incredulous to the concept that I would be tired so quickly! I persevered through the initial discomfort. Soon enough, the greatness that is M83’s Before The Dawn Heals Us album, took over. The soaring melodies and euphoric choruses got me to mile 2. After the second mile, I began to think that this decision to bike was a mistake. My legs burned with the energy of a thousand suns, my heart thumped out of my ribcage, and my lungs tried to search for oxygen but found none. I did not want to continue.
After a quick stretch and regrouping, I continued on my quest. This time the work didn’t seem so bad, and my body started working in concert with the bicycle, making beautiful music and flowing toward a common goal. Before I knew it I was back under the bridge, yet the album was reaching a crescendo and my body actually requested more motion. So I zipped past my waiting car and continued into uncharted territory.
Oh, the glory!
I found myself on a path surrounded by wooded trees and the light of the sun which cast an amber glow on every leaf and trunk. The album playing in my ears somehow knew my environment and would reach a delicate, flowing harmony, almost as if I was in a dreamscape. At some points it even felt like I was in a liquid sea of trees, everything just drifted effortlessly along. Then in an instant I would come to a break in the forestry and burst into full daylight, cars, sidewalks, and people! It invigorated me! And inexplicably, my music would follow suit with a pulsing, energetic exclamation as I whizzed through the commotion. Along the journey I saw flowing waters, streets, great walls of ivy, people, shady canopies of trees, guardrails, dense pockets of forest and even a boardwalk of sorts. It was exhilarating. I never felt pain after the initial twinge, and just enjoyed being surrounded by creation. The ride lasted about 56 minutes, give or take. And it was literally one of the great experiences in my short life. I cant explain it fully, but everything just fit. It was incredible. As a cool down I stepped into the Chatahootchie and breathed deep cool air coming from the waters. As some geese waded up stream, I felt as if I was created to be right there at that very moment doing exactly what I was doing. It was peaceful, loud, calm, and exciting all at once. Perhaps, our Creator gives us glimpses of perfection in this broken world, a shred of what he intended when he formed it all from nothing. Oh, praise Him! Praise Him for He is worthy of everything. For He has brought about all that is perfect. He will make this all new, He will make it all as it should be. Speed thy coming, Lord! Charge like a fierce wind into this world and heal us. He truly has a wondrous vision for us. He must.